Introduction to Computing & Problem Solving with Python

This book will help every student,teacher and researcher to understand the computing basics and advanced Python Programming language. The Python programming topics include the reserved keywords, identifiers, variables, operators, data types and their operations, flow control techniques which include decision making and looping, modules, files and exception handling techniques. More than 300 solved lab exercises available in this book is tested in Python 3.4.3 version for Windows. The book covers syllabus for more than 35 International Universities and 45 Indian universities. 
Table of Contents 

1: Introduction to computers 
2: Program Logic and flow Charts 
3: Introduction to Python 
4: Data Types and Operations 
5: Flow Control 
6: Functions 
7: Modules and Packages 
8: File Handling 
9: Object Oriented Programming 
10: Exception Handling 
11: Regular Expressions 
12: Database Programming

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